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Email Announcement Archive

[Users] NERSC Perlmutter Office Hours Beginning in One Hour!

Author: Rebecca Hartman-Baker <>
Date: 2024-04-02 09:00:00

Dear NERSC Users, Are you running into an issue getting your code compiled, setting up your script or workflow, or running jobs on Perlmutter? NERSC is holding virtual office hours, in which staff experts can provide one-on-one help over Zoom to solve these types of questions and more! Today's session begins in about an hour. For connection info please see the office hours series webpage <> (login required to access link). Can't make it today? No worries -- additional sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, April 10; Tuesday, April 16; and Thursday, April 25. We look forward to seeing you there! Regards, -Rebecca -- Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Ph.D User Engagement Group Leader National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center | Berkeley Lab | phone: (510) 486-4810 fax: (510) 486-6459 Pronouns: she/her/hers _______________________________________________ Users mailing list

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