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[Users] NERSC Weekly Email, Week of April 1, 2024

Author: Rebecca Hartman-Baker <>
Date: 2024-04-01 15:28:21

# NERSC Weekly Email, Week of April 1, 2024<a name="top"></a> # ## Contents ## ## [Summary of Upcoming Events and Key Dates](#section1) ## - [Scheduled Outages](#outages) - [Key Dates](#dates) ## [This Week's Events and Deadlines](#section2) ## - [Call for Proposals for Generative AI for Science Applications -- Due Today!](#genai) - [BOF, Workshop, & Tutorial Submissions for US Research Software Engineer Association Conference Deadline Extended to Friday!](#usrse) - [ALCF AI Testbed Workshop Series, May-June 2024: Register for SambaNova Today & Cerebras by Friday!](#alcfaiwkshps) - [(NEW/UPDATED) All Perlmutter GPU Nodes Occupied by Reservation, 10 am - 8 pm Thursday](#pmgbres) ## [Perlmutter](#section3) ## - [Perlmutter Machine Status](#perlmutter) - [Planning a Gordon Bell Prize Submission on Perlmutter? Please Let Us Know!](#gordonbell) - [Make the Most of Your Allocation: Submit Jobs on Perlmutter Now Rather than Later!](#jobsnow) - [Join NERSC's Virtual Office Hours with Your Perlmutter Questions!](#pmofficehrs) ## [NERSC@50](#section4) ## - [Save the Date: Celebrate 50 Years of NERSC with Us October 22-24](#nug50) - [Read about NERSC History](#nerscfirsts) - [Seeking Volunteers for NUG Annual Meeting Planning Committee](#nugmtgvol) - [(NEW/UPDATED) Join NERSC for a 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, Starting April 15!](#seminarseries) ## [NERSC Updates](#section5) ## - [Allocation Reductions Coming on April 17 for Underutilized ERCAP Projects](#allocred) - [Attention Students: NERSC Summer Internships Available!](#nerscinterns) - [Attention VASP Users: VASP 6 for GPUs Available at NERSC!](#vasp) ## [NERSC User Community ](#section6) ## - [(NEW/UPDATED) Join NERSC for a Series of Special Community Calls for NERSC Grad Student & Postdoc Users!](#gradsatnersc) - [Submit a Science Highlight Today!](#scihigh) ## [Calls for Proposals & Nominations](#section7) ## - [Join the Student Cluster Competition at SC24](#scc) - [Nominations for George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship Close May 1](#gmichael) - [Submit a Proposal for August NERSC/OLCF/NVIDIA Hackathon by May 8!](#hackathon) ## [Upcoming Training Events](#section8) ## - [Learn to Use Spin to Build Science Gateways at NERSC: Next SpinUp Workshop Starts April 24!](#spinup) - [(NEW/UPDATED) Kokkos Training, April 25-26](#kokkos) - [Debugging Challenging Memory and GPU Problems with TotalView, May 13, 2024](#tvtraining) - [Register by April 21 for May 7-9 NERSC End-to-End LLM Bootcamp](#e2ellm) ## [NERSC News ](#section9) ## - [Come Work for NERSC!](#careers) - [About this Email](#about) ([back to top](#top)) --- ## Summary of Upcoming Events and Key Dates <a name="section1"/></a> ## ### Scheduled Outages <a name="outages"/></a> (See <> for more info): - **Perlmutter** - 04/04/24 10:00-20:00 PDT, Dedicated runs - Large reservation for GPU nodes on 04/04/2024 from 10 am to 8 pm. During the reservation, users may access login nodes and files as normal, and submit jobs, which if requesting GPUs, will not start until the reservation completes at 8pm (this includes interactive, realtime and jupyter jobs). 'ReqNodeNotAvail' may appear in the slurm reason field if a job is unable to start due to the reservation; no action required. - 04/17/24 06:00-20:00 PST, Scheduled Maintenance - Perlmutter will be unavailable during the listed times due to scheduled maintenance. - 05/15/24 06:00-20:00 PST, Scheduled Maintenance - Perlmutter will be unavailable during the listed times due to scheduled maintenance. - **HPSS Archive (User)** - 04/03/24 09:00-13:00 PDT, Scheduled Maintenance - 05/01/24 09:00-15:00 PDT, Scheduled Maintenance - HPSS Archive will remain available during scheduled maintenance. Some tape file retrievals may be delayed during the maintenance window. - 06/26/24 09:00-13:00 PDT, Scheduled Maintenance - **HPSS Regent (Backup)** - 05/22/24 09:00-15:00 PDT, Scheduled Maintenance - HPSS Regent will remain available during scheduled maintenance. Some tape file retrievals may be delayed during the maintenance window. - 06/12/24 09:00-15:00 PDT, Scheduled Maintenance - **Spin** - 04/02/24 14:00-17:00 PDT, Scheduled Maintenance - The Rancher 2 UI will be unavailable briefly (5 minutes) at least once within the window for upgrades to system software. User workloads will be unaffected. ### Key Dates <a name="dates"/></a> April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 #### This Week - **April 1, 2024**: - [Generative AI for Science Proposals Due](#genai) - [Registration Deadline for ALCF SambaNova AI Workshop](#alcfaiwkshps) - **April 2, 2024**: [Perlmutter Office Hours](#pmofficehrs) - **April 4, 2024**: [Perlmutter Full GPU Node Reservation](#pmgbres) - **April 5, 2024**: - [Registration Deadline for ALCF Cerebras AI Workshop](#alcfaiwkshps) - [US-RSE Conference BOF, Tutorial, & Workshop Submissions Due](#usrse) #### Next Week - **April 10, 2024**: [Perlmutter Office Hours](#pmofficehrs) - **April 11, 2024**: [Grads@NERSC DL with Jupyter Notebooks](#gradsatnersc) #### Future - **April 15, 2024**: [NERSC 50th Seminar Series](#seminarseries) - **April 16, 2024**: [Perlmutter Office Hours](#pmofficehrs) - **April 17, 2024**: [First Quarterly Allocation Reductions](#allocred) - **April 18, 2024**: [Grads@NERSC Writing a Good Ticket](#gradsatnersc) - **April 21, 2024**: [Registration Deadline for May 7-9 End-to-End LLM Bootcamp](#e2ellm) - **April 24, 2024**: [SpinUp Workshop](#spinup) - **April 25, 2024**: - [Perlmutter Office Hours](#pmofficehrs) - [Grads@NERSC VSCode on Perlmutter](#gradsatnersc) - **April 25-26, 2024**: [Kokkos Training](#kokkos) - **April 29, 2024**: [NERSC 50th Seminar Series](#seminarseries) - **May 1, 2024**: - [George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship Nominations Due](#gmichael) - [Registration Deadline for ALCF Groq AI & Graphcore AI Workshops](#alcfaiwkshps) - **May 8, 2024**: [Deadline for August Hackathon Proposals](#hackathon) - **May 13, 2024**: [TotalView Debugger Training](#tvtraining) - **May 20, 2024**: [US-RSE Conference Notebook Submissions Due](#usrse) - **June 3, 2024**: [US-RSE Conference Poster & Talk Submissions Due](#usrse) - **October 22-24, 2024**: [NERSC 50th Anniversary Celebration & NUG Meeting](#nug50) ([back to top](#top)) --- ## This Week's Events and Deadlines <a name="section2"/></a> ## ### Call for Proposals for Generative AI for Science Applications -- Due Today! <a name="genai"/></a> We have announced a new [Call For Proposals]( for projects that will leverage Perlmutter to push the state of the art in Generative AI and deep learning for science and produce novel science outcomes. We are specifically seeking teams with expertise using deep learning for science, a deep understanding of the scientific domain, and demonstrated proofs-of-concept. NERSC staff effort will be available for consulting on running effectively at NERSC, but not generally for model development. For more details and to apply, please visit the [Call For Proposals webpage]( Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Submissions made by April 1, 2024 will be given full consideration. ### BOF, Workshop, & Tutorial Submissions for US Research Software Engineer Association Conference Deadline Extended to Friday! <a name="usrse"/></a> Submissions are now open for the second annual US Research Software Engineer Association Conference (US-RSE'24), which will be held October 15-17, 2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The theme of the conference is "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: A celebration of all that RSEs have done for computing in the past, in the present, and in the future." Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - History of the RSE movement - RSE impact - Efforts to expand the RSE movement - Research data management - Software engineering approaches supporting research - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for RSEs and in RSEng - Training and workforce development - Maturing and expanding the RSE profession For more information, including how to submit, please see <>. Submssions for BOFs, Workshops, and Tutorials are due Friday, April 5. Paper and notebook submissions are due Monday, May 20, and submissions for posters and talks are due Monday, June 3. ### ALCF AI Testbed Workshop Series, May-June 2024: Register for SambaNova Today & Cerebras by Friday! <a name="alcfaiwkshps"/></a> ALCF is hosting [four training workshops]( that will introduce attendees to the novel AI accelerators deployed at the ALCF AI Testbed. The four workshops are independent events for which registration must be completed separately. The workshops, including event dates and registration deadlines, are as follows: - [SambaNova AI Workshop](, April 30-May 1 (register by April 1) - [Cerebras AI Workshop](, May 7-8 (register by April 5) - [Groq AI Workshop](, June 4-5 (register by May 1) - [Graphcore AI workshop](, June 11-12 (register by May 1) ### (NEW/UPDATED) All Perlmutter GPU Nodes Occupied by Reservation, 10 am - 8 pm Thursday <a name="pmgbres"/></a> On Thursday, April 4, all GPU nodes on Perlmutter will be reserved for large-scale runs in preparation for a [Gordon Bell Prize]( submission from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm (Pacific time). During this period, **no user jobs will run on the GPU nodes, including urgent, interactive, and Jupyter jobs.** Please note that this impacts only jobs on GPU nodes; **CPU-only jobs will run as normal.** Leading up to the reservation, you may observe that your jobs requesting GPUs may not run as soon as you expected, due to the reservation. For example, after 4:00 pm on Wednesday, no jobs requesting GPU nodes for 18 hours or more can be started by Slurm, as they would run into the reservation time. During the reservation, the `sqs` command will display `ReqNodeNotAvail` as the "Reason" that your job is not being scheduled to run. This simply means that the nodes Slurm would use to run your job are being taken up by the reservation; it is not a cause for concern and no action is required. When the reservation ends, Slurm will begin scheduling user jobs as normal. ([back to top](#top)) --- ## Perlmutter <a name="section3"/></a> ## ### Perlmutter Machine Status <a name="perlmutter"/></a> Perlmutter is available to all users with an active NERSC account. Some helpful NERSC pages for Perlmutter users: * [Perlmutter queue information]( * [Timeline of major changes]( * [Current known issues]( This section of the newsletter will be updated regularly with the latest Perlmutter status. ### Planning a Gordon Bell Prize Submission on Perlmutter? Please Let Us Know! <a name="gordonbell"/></a> Are you planning to use Perlmutter for a submission for the Gordon Bell Prize? If so, please let us know of your plans, by submitting a reservation request at least one week before the requested date (if applicable), or via a [ticket]( ### Make the Most of Your Allocation: Submit Jobs on Perlmutter Now Rather than Later! <a name="jobsnow"/></a> While NERSC allocations are good for an entire year -- mid-January to mid-January the following year -- for best results, **NERSC recommends running jobs throughout the allocation year, and especially at the beginning.** Some projects unfortunately do not have the opportunity to use the entire amount of resources originally allocated to them, by beginning to run jobs too late in the allocation year: - Projects with very low utilization run the risk of losing node-hours to NERSC's allocation reduction scheme -- where NERSC returns unused allocations to the DOE allocation managers for them to reappropriate to other projects. - Projects that don't lose allocation in the reduction scheme still face challenges in getting all their jobs through the queue during the latter part of the year, when queue wait times rise. Projects with a strong track record of usage early in the year are often the beneficiaries of the allocation reduction scheme, with their requests to their program allocation manager for additional time fulfilled after a reduction. Furthermore, projects exhausting their allocation are eligible for the overrun queue. ### Join NERSC's Virtual Office Hours with Your Perlmutter Questions! <a name="pmofficehrs"/></a> NERSC is offering virtual office hours to help users get their workflows up and running on Perlmutter. Users are welcome to bring questions and their own applications to get one-on-one help. The first office hours in the series were held last week. Additional office hours will be held online via Zoom, from 10 am to 12 noon (Pacific time) on the following dates: - Tuesday, April 2 - Wednesday, April 10 - Tuesday, April 16 - Thursday, April 25 For more information, including Zoom connection info, please see <>. ([back to top](#top)) --- ## NERSC@50 <a name="section4"/></a> ## ### Save the Date: Celebrate 50 Years of NERSC with Us October 22-24 <a name="nug50"/></a> In honor of NERSC's fiftieth anniversary, we are planning an exciting program of anniversary-related events culminating with the annual NERSC User Group meeting, to be held October 22-24, 2024. Please join us to enjoy blasts from the past as well as fun in the future during this one-of-a-kind event! ### Read about NERSC History <a name="nerscfirsts"/></a> NERSC history experts are publishing articles and timelines in celebration of NERSC's golden anniversary. The most recent addition to the list is an article in the "In Their Own Words" series, on NERSC veteran [Jackie Scoggins]( For more on the NERSC 50th anniversary, please see the [NERSC 50th Anniversary]( page. ### Seeking Volunteers for NUG Annual Meeting Planning Committee <a name="nugmtgvol"/></a> Calling all NERSC enthusiasts! We are seeking undergraduate, graduate student, and postdoc volunteers to help us plan the 2024 NUG Annual Meeting celebrating the 50 Years of NERSC! Bring your creativity, enthusiasm, and organizing skills to the monthly one-hour meetings to help create an amazing and memorable meeting. If this sounds interesting, please contact Lipi Gupta (<>) for more information and to volunteer. ### (NEW/UPDATED) Join NERSC for a 50th Anniversary Seminar Series, Starting April 15! <a name="seminarseries"/></a> NERSC is presenting a seminar series featuring speakers reflecting on the center's half-century of advancing HPC innovation and science while looking to the future. The series begins two weeks from today, on Monday, April 15. The first presentation, by Alan Poon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) is entitled "What We have Learned about the Universe from Low-Energy Neutrino Physics Experiments and NERSC's Role in the Discoveries" and will be held on Monday, April 15 at 1:30 pm. Additional talks will be posted on the [seminar series webpage]( as speakers are confirmed. For more information on the series (including connection info), please see <>. ([back to top](#top)) --- ## NERSC Updates <a name="section5"/></a> ## ### Allocation Reductions Coming on April 17 for Underutilized ERCAP Projects <a name="allocred"/></a> Thrice annually, NERSC performs allocation reductions on DOE Mission Science projects. The allocation reduction process removes a portion of the remaining allocation from projects that are using it slowly and returns the time to DOE allocation managers for them to redistribute it to other projects based on their priorities and objectives. The reduction scheme applies separately to CPU and GPU allocations (e.g., a project that has underutilized CPU resources but not GPU resources will have only its CPU allocation reduced). ALCC, Education, and Exploratory projects are not subject to allocation reductions. Director’s Reserve projects may be subject to reductions, if needed to support various programs. Any project that started after January 17, 2024 will not be subject to the first round of reductions. This time redistribution is necessary to maintain a productive flow of jobs through NERSC systems and reduce queue wait times later in the year. As we near the end of the first quarter of the 2024 allocation year, we observe that more than half of all projects have used less than 8% of their allocation. More than 20% of projects have used no time at all. For 2024, we will perform allocation reductions on April 17, July 17, and October 16, 2024. The formula for the reductions has been updated to more accurately remove allocation from projects that are not using their allocation at the rate they estimated in their 2024 ERCAP proposals. For projects that are not meeting their quarterly usage plans, we will remove half of the difference between their actual and planned usage. For example, for a project with 10,000 CPU node-hours that planned to use 25% (2,500) this first quarter but used only 10% (1,000), NERSC will reduce their CPU node-hour allocation by 7.5% ((2,500 - 1,000)×0.5 = 1,500×0.5 = 750). These balances will be added to the appropriate DOE allocation manager’s reserve (i.e., BES project reductions will go back to the BES reserve) for them to redistribute. For the first allocation reduction on April 17, NERSC will accept requests for an exemption; please submit your request via a [ticket]( or an email to <> with the reason for your exemption request by April 10, 2024. For subsequent allocation reductions, we do not anticipate allowing any exemptions. For more details on the policy please see the [Allocation Reductions webpage]( ### Attention Students: NERSC Summer Internships Available! <a name="nerscinterns"/></a> Are you an undergraduate or graduate student who will be enrolled as a student in the fall? Are you interested in working with NERSC staff on interesting technical projects? NERSC is looking for motivated students to join us for the summer in a paid internship role. Qualifications vary depending on the project, and pay is based on years of education completed. We have created a [list of summer internship projects on our website]( Projects are still being added to the list so please check back for further additions. ### Attention VASP Users: VASP 6 for GPUs Available at NERSC! <a name="vasp"/></a> Are you a user of the VASP application for performing ab initio quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics (MD) using pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set? Did you know that you can use NERSC-installed binaries that are optimized for Perlmutter? Anyone with a VASP license can gain access to NERSC's VASP binaries by filling out the [VASP License Confirmation Request form]( (login required). License-holders for VASP version 6 can access a GPU-accelerated version in addition to the CPU-only version 5.4 and a version 6 build for CPU only. For more information about VASP, please see the [VASP documention]( on NERSC's documentation website. ([back to top](#top)) --- ## NERSC User Community <a name="section6"/></a> ## ### (NEW/UPDATED) Join NERSC for a Series of Special Community Calls for NERSC Grad Student & Postdoc Users! <a name="gradsatnersc"/></a> In honor of Graduate Student Appreciation Month, in April NERSC is holding a series of special community calls aimed at the 44% of NERSC users who are graduate students and postdocs. (Non grad/postdoc community members are welcome too!) On **Thursday, April 11**, join us to learn how to do **deep learning with Jupyter notebooks**, taking your machine learning workflow from Jupyter Hub to running large batch jobs on Perlmutter. Bring your own ML project and work alongside NERSC experts. On **Thursday, April 18**, learn how to **get help at NERSC with Tickets** to get your questions answered FAST! Learn about best practices for submitting tickets that will get your questions answered with a minimum of back-and-forth. On **Thursday, April 25**, learn how to use **VSCode on Perlmutter**. Learn how to set up the VSCode IDE on Perlmutter, for editing and viewing files, and using the terminal directly on Perlmutter. We look forward to seeing you at these events! For more information and connection info (posted the day before) please see <>. ### Submit a Science Highlight Today! <a name="scihigh"/></a> Doing cool science at NERSC? NERSC is looking for cool, scientific and code development success stories to highlight to NERSC users, DOE Program Managers, and the broader scientific community in Science Highlights. If you're interested in your work being considered to be used as a featured Science highlight, please let us know via our [highlight form]( ([back to top](#top)) --- ## Calls for Proposals & Nominations <a name="section7"/></a> ## ### Join the Student Cluster Competition at SC24 <a name="scc"/></a> The [Student Cluster Competition]( (SCC) and [IndySCC]( for [SC24]( are now accepting team applications. The SCC is a fantastic pathway for undergraduates to prepare for a career in HPC as teams of students design, build and operate a small HPC cluster in a 48-hour competition at the annual Supercomputing conference. The IndySCC is its education-focused counterpart, in which teams learn to run scientific applications on provided HPC hardware, during the months leading up to SC24. ### Nominations for George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship Close May 1 <a name="gmichael"/></a> The George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship award committee is seeking nominations for this fellowship, which honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high-performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analysis using the most powerful computers currently available. The Fellowship includes a $5000 honorarium, recognition on the ACM, IEEE CS, and ACM SIGHPC websites, and paid travel expenses to attend SC24, where recipients will be honored at the SC Conference Awards Ceremony. Candidates must be enrolled in a full-time PhD program at an accredited college or university and must meet the minimum scholastic requirements at their institution. They are expected to have completed at least one year of study and to have at least one year remaining between the application deadline and their expected graduation. Applications from women, minorities, international students, and all who contribute to diversity are encouraged. Nominations are in the form of self-nominations, submitted online. For more information and to nominate, please see the [fellowship webpage]( Nominations are due May 1, 2024. ### Submit a Proposal for August NERSC/OLCF/NVIDIA Hackathon by May 8! <a name="hackathon"/></a> NERSC, in conjunction with NVIDIA and OLCF, will be hosting a Open Hackathon from August 20th-22nd with an opening day on August 13th as part of the annual Open Hackathon Series. This year, the hackathon will be virtual and selected code teams will be able to test and develop on [Perlmutter](, and there is also the option to use an ARM system. Hackathons combine teams of developers with mentors to either prepare their own application(s) to run on GPUs or optimize their application(s) that currently run on GPUs. This virtual event consists of a kick-off day, where hackers and mentors video-conference to meet and develop their list of hackathon goals, as well as get set up on the relevant systems. This is followed by a one week preparation period before the 3-day intensive primary event. **Please note the deadline to submit a proposal is 11:59 PM Pacific, May 8th 2024.** So [apply]( now! Teams should consist of at least three developers who are intimately familiar with (some part of) their application, and they will work alongside two mentors with GPU programming expertise. If you want/need to get your code running/optimized on a GPU-accelerated system, these hackathons offer a unique opportunity to set aside 4 days, surround yourself with experts in the field, and push toward your development goals. During the event, teams will have access to compute resources provided by NERSC, and OLCF. For more information, or to submit a short proposal form, please visit the [Open Hackathon’s event page]( or NERSC's [event page]( Please contact Hannah Ross (<>) with any questions. ([back to top](#top)) --- ## Upcoming Training Events <a name="section8"/></a> ## ### Learn to Use Spin to Build Science Gateways at NERSC: Next SpinUp Workshop Starts April 24! <a name="spinup"/></a> Spin is a service platform at NERSC based on Docker container technology. It can be used to deploy science gateways, workflow managers, databases, and all sorts of other services that can access NERSC systems and storage on the back end. New large-memory nodes have been added to the platform, increasing the potential of the platform for new memory-constrained applications. To learn more about how Spin works and what it can do, please listen to the NERSC User News [podcast on Spin]( Attend an upcoming SpinUp workshop to learn to use Spin for your own science gateway projects! Applications for sessions that begin Wednesday, April 24 [are now open]( SpinUp is hands-on and interactive, so space is limited. Participants will attend an instructional session and a hack-a-thon to learn about the platform, create running services, and learn maintenance and troubleshooting techniques. Local and remote participants are welcome. If you can't make these upcoming sessions, never fear! More sessions are planned for June, September, and December. See a video of Spin in action at the [Spin documentation]( page. ### (NEW/UPDATED) Kokkos Training, April 25-26 <a name="kokkos"/></a> Kokkos is a C++-based programming model for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. The Kokkos team will present a 2-day (3-hour each) hands-on training series on April 25-26 to help new and existing Kokkos users understand parallel programming abstractions and ways to expose them using the framework. The first day of the training will be focused on new users who are trying to use Kokkos to write portable parallel code that can take advantage of both CPU and GPU nodes of Perlmutter. On the second day, the training will focus on advanced concepts in Kokkos or if the users wish to discuss porting or optimizing their existing codes to Kokkos, a group of experienced Kokkos developers will be available for individual sessions. For more information and to register, please see <>. ### Debugging Challenging Memory and GPU Problems with TotalView, May 13, 2024 <a name="tvtraining"/></a> NERSC is hosting a training event on effectively using TotalView to debug challenging memory and NVIDIA GPU problems. TotalView from Perforce Software is a parallel debugger for complex C, C++, and Fortran applications. Using live demonstrations running on Perlmutter, you'll learn how to leverage TotalView's powerful memory debugging technology to find memory errors in parallel codes, and to debug CUDA, OpenMP, and OpenACC code running on NVIDIA GPUs. For more information and to register, please see the [event page]( ### Register by April 21 for May 7-9 NERSC End-to-End LLM Bootcamp <a name="e2ellm"/></a> NERSC will be co-organizing the end-to-end Large Language Model (LLM) bootcamp with OpenACC and NVIDIA. The bootcamp will be hosted virtually for three days from May 7-9, 2024 and is a focused, hands-on walk-through of data processing, LLM model training, and deployment pipeline paradigm. The **registration deadline is April 21, 2024**. For more details and to register, please visit the [webpage]( ([back to top](#top)) --- ## NERSC News <a name="section9"/></a> ## ### Come Work for NERSC! <a name="careers"/></a> NERSC currently has several openings for postdocs, system administrators, and more! If you are looking for new opportunities, please consider the following openings: - [Computer Systems Engineer 3]( Develop software libraries, algorithms and methodologies for HPC applications. - [Network Group Lead]( Lead a team of network engineers responsible for the NERSC network architecture and infrastructure. (**Note:** You can browse all our job openings on the [NERSC Careers]( page, and all Berkeley Lab jobs at <>.) We know that NERSC users can make great NERSC employees! We look forward to seeing your application. ### About this Email <a name="about"/></a> You are receiving this email because you are the owner of an active account at NERSC. This mailing list is automatically populated with the email addresses associated with active NERSC accounts. In order to remove yourself from this mailing list, you must close your account, which can be done by emailing <> with your request. _______________________________________________ Users mailing list

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