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Email Announcement Archive

[Users] Maintenance to Address DTN Snapshot Copy Issue Today

Author: Rebecca Hartman-Baker <>
Date: 2023-11-09 08:20:19

Dear NERSC Users, On Monday we were made aware of a potential issue retrieving data from snapshots on the Community or Homes File Systems while on NERSC’s Data Transfer Nodes or in certain containers. Snapshots are a feature of the GPFS file system that allows users to retrieve previous versions of files on these file systems. For example, if you inadvertently delete a file, you can retrieve it from the snapshot if it happened in the last seven days (more details are here: Most users don’t use this feature regularly. However, if you used the snapshots feature since 10/10/2023 on the Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) or in a container, the files you retrieved from snapshots *may* have been corrupted even though the command completed without error. So if you’ve retrieved data from a snapshot in this manner, we recommend you scrutinize it carefully. The vendor has provided a fix and we have scheduled a maintenance this morning to fix the issue on the DTNs. Aside from the specific case of snapshot retrieval, we expect this to have no effect on data stored on any NERSC file systems. Moreover, this impacts only snapshot retrievals done on the Data Transfer Nodes or in containers made with coreutils 9.0 or later; snapshot retrievals done from Perlmutter (and not within a container) are not impacted. Regards, -Rebecca -- Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Ph.D User Engagement Group Leader National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center | Berkeley Lab | phone: (510) 486-4810 fax: (510) 486-6459 Pronouns: she/her/hers _______________________________________________ Users mailing list

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