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Email Announcement Archive

[Users] Join Us for the NUG Meeting on Nov 9, 2023 (RESCHEDULED)

Author: Charles Lively <>
Date: 2023-10-26 08:17:15

Greetings, Please note that our next Monthly NUG meeting has been rescheduled to accommodate various events that are occurring over the next two weeks. The NUG monthly meeting is a forum where NERSC and its users can celebrate successes, discuss difficulties and learn from each other. Our next meeting is *this Thursday, November 9, at 11am* (Pacific time/UTC-7), at Please refer to the event page for details and the agenda as the date approaches: Yours in Science, Service, and Learning, -Charles L. Charles W. Lively III, PhD Science Engagement Engineer & HPC Research Consultant National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 979.450.4898 _______________________________________________ Users mailing list

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