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Email Announcement Archive

[Users] Call for Proposals for NERSC Science Acceleration Program (NESAP)

Author: Johannes Blaschke <>
Date: 2023-09-12 11:59:25

Dear NERSC Users, This week we are beginning the next generation of the NERSC Science Acceleration Program (NESAP) – a collaborative effort in which NERSC partners with code teams, vendors, and library and tools developers to prepare for advanced architectures and new systems. We have announced a new Call For Proposals <>, and we encourage you all to have a look. Even if you’re not currently involved with NESAP, we encourage you to look at the call for proposals. The workflows at NERSC comprise both traditional modeling and simulation HPC use cases, as well as AI, and more complex end-to-end workflows that originate at experimental and observational science facilities around the world. Designing and optimizing HPC systems that meet the needs of such a broad community is a huge and important challenge, and we invite you to be part of this process by participating in NESAP. What does this mean for existing Perlmutter NESAP projects? Many NESAP for Perlmutter projects have come to a natural close as their goals for running effectively on Perlmutter have been reached. We plan to formally close any remaining NESAP for Perlmutter projects at the end of this calendar year. Sincerely, Johannes Blaschke and Neil Mehta (NESAP leadership team) _______________________________________________ Users mailing list

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